Welcome to the Plan-Holders section!

Here, you’ll discover detailed information about Lloydshare, including the processes and policies that apply to your Lloydshare Plan. Don’t miss our section with Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you have any questions or need clarification, our Customer Service Team is just an email away. We’re committed to responding to all emails within 2 working days.

For the latest updates, be sure to check out the Lloydshare Blog. We’re also eager to hear any exciting stories from your experiences at our partner resorts, so feel free to reach out and share!
We hope you enjoy exploring the Plan-Holders’ section and, as always, continue to have fantastic vacations!


It will already be appreciated that the Lloydshare Loyalty Repayment Plan represents tremendous value. Our rules have been fashioned specifically to complement the Vacation Ownership purchase to which your Plan is linked, and to encourage your continual use of those privileges. The relatively low percentage cost of your Lloydshare Plan has been achieved by simplifying administration at all levels.  For example, our Customer Service Team deals only with our established Plan-Holders.  There are wider benefits, as well as cost savings, achieved by placing some minor obligations on our Plan-Holders. Some of our Terms & Conditions not only assist with our market research, but also directly assist our administrative streamlining. We like to think we are working in partnership with our Plan-Holders, as well as resorts, to make Vacation Ownership a success for all sides!

It should be understood, however, that failing to meet the simple and achievable obligations set out on the reverse of the Certificate can annul your Loyalty Repayment Plan.  Particular attention is drawn to the fact that it is a requirement that Plan-Holders must always maintain the linked Vacation Ownership referred to on their Certificate in good standing, adhering completely to their club’s payment requirements and rules and regulations. Lloydshare reserves the right to make intermittent inquiries to resorts on this point, and we may require periodic information to be supplied by Plan-Holders concerning the standing of their ownership [for example to prove maintenance payments]. In our FAQ section you will find further guidance on what Lloydshare deems to be “good standing”.
Thanks to our long experience in the Vacation Ownership Industry, Lloydshare understands that reduced usage of Vacation Ownership can often result from life changes as the years pass.  It is for this reason that our Plan-Holders must report certain personal changes promptly to Lloydshare so that any relevant inquiries can be initiated in good time.  This requirement also enables Lloydshare to keep in touch with you in relation to your Plan. It allows us to offer possible marketing options, in accordance with your changing circumstances, and to recognize when feedback and information about the resort is worth sharing with our other Plan-Holders.

Lloydshare may occasionally make changes to the Terms & Conditions, just as some of your personal data and records may change over the period of your Loyalty Repayment Plan.  It is for this reason that individual Terms & Conditions are not printed on this website; the version of the Terms & Conditions which is printed on the reverse of your original Certificate form the basis of the contract Lloydshare has with you.  Accordingly, it should be noted that, irrespective of future variations contained in any updated guide, the details which appear on your personal Repayment Plan Certificate are those Terms & Conditions which are binding on your own Lloydshare Loyalty Repayment Plan. Therefore, it is necessary for you to retain your original Repayment Plan Certificate for submission at maturity, and for your own reference.  Only changes and updates to the Terms & Conditions which are forwarded to you personally, via your email address registered with Lloydshare, will have any impact on the Terms & Conditions shown on your Certificate.

Lloydshare does not consider questions of breached conditions in advance of the maturity of any individual Plan.  Our Customer Service Team is not able to consider individual cases and advise Plan-Holders whether their Plans remain valid for payment. As can be readily understood, this policy is in part because we would at no stage wish to discourage any Vacation Club members from continuing their use of their Vacation Ownership. We strongly recommend that all Plan-Holders study the reverse of their Certificate with care, so that they can evaluate for themselves their compliance with the Terms & Conditions.

We hope you will find the terminology on your Certificate clear and unambiguous. Should there be any questions on the exact meaning of any element Plan-Holders are most welcome to contact Lloydshare and we shall be pleased to provide clarification.


My Vacation Ownership terminates well before my Lloydshare Plan matures. Why must I wait so long for my payout?

This is an unusual situation, and not in truth a ‘frequently asked question’.  It arises among premium paying Plan-Holders who opted for paying a less costly premium in relation to the duration of their Club Membership than one which was an exact match.  Such an option is not always available, or supported, but can be of particular relevance if Plan-Holders seek our approval to upgrading their Club Membership.  Very often the initial trial period, around ten years, leads to a longer membership because Vacation Ownership is so great!

If the linked Club Membership is not upgraded, or extended, and terminates instead on the originally set date, and this is in advance of the maturity of the Lloydshare product, there is no option to make an early claim.  The less costly premium required that Plan-Holders wait a longer period before claiming.  The Terms & Conditions listed on the reverse of the Certificate should still be adhered to, where applicable, until the maturity date.

Claims are not evaluated until after the maturity date, so if there is a period of years between the end of the Club Membership and the maturity date of the Lloydshare product, we would recommend that Plan-Holders should safely retain documents that may be needed at the claim stage, such as receipts for maintenance payments and a copy of the original Club Membership contract.


In what sense is the Lloydshare payout ‘guaranteed’?

The Lloydshare guarantee is that the amount payable following a successful claim on maturity will not change, it is a set amount and not subject to market fluctuations. Lloydshare guarantees to pay every eligible claim. Claimants are not eligible for payout if the relevant Terms & Conditions have been demonstrably breached.

I want to update some details, and my Certificate suggests I should mail you – can’t I do that by email?
For your convenience, Lloydshare now accepts all update reports by email, with the sole exception of changes to email address.   Email change requests need to be mailed in, with certified copies of ID and proof of address.  This security measure is for your protection.


What if I lose my Certificate and need a replacement?

The reason Lloydshare requires you to retain the original Certificate securely is that information relevant to your Plan is printed on the reverse. Not all Certificates have the same Terms & Conditions, and we honor the ones on your individual personalized Certificate. If you lose it, we can, of course, issue a new Certificate after due security, but the version may be different at that stage, and you would need to accept the new Terms & Conditions as binding from that time. There is an administrative fee of $199 USD.

How do I know my reported updates have been properly recorded by Lloydshare?

The process is simple. You email us from your registered email address, and we provide an acknowledgment reply to that email and a reference number, certifying that your reported update has been noted on file. Nothing further is necessary, although you may wish to retain that acknowledgment email for your own records. Our Customer Service Team cannot accept verbal reports over the phone; the update must come in writing via your registered email address, [unless you are reporting a change of email address, which needs to be done via postal mail as a security measure]. You should always expect to receive an acknowledgment, within 2 working days, to any update email sent to our Customer Service Team from your registered email address. If your reported change has not been acknowledged within 2 working days, please contact us by telephone, or via the contact form on the final tab of this website. Please note that replacement Certificates are not issued when you report changes of personal circumstances.


Can beneficiaries be changed?

Certainly! Please contact our Customer Service Team for details. Joint Plan-Holders must both give consent to any changes and may change the beneficiaries as often as they wish during the Plan’s lifetime.

What does Lloydshare mean by maintaining my Vacation Ownership in ‘Good Standing’?

Lloydshare appreciates that the term ‘Good Standing’ may be considered a rather loose definition, and so is pleased to provide further clarification on precisely what we are expecting to see as regards how Plan-Holders deserving of a loyalty reward maintain their Club Memberships.

While the concept of ‘loyalty’ might possibly suggest that some kind of limitation is being imposed on a Plan-Holder’s take-up of additional memberships at other Vacation Clubs, please be assured that Lloydshare makes no such restriction! However, we do expect that Plan-Holders benefiting from our loyalty reward product will have participated to a reasonable extent with their linked membership over the duration of their Lloydshare Plan. From Lloydshare’s perspective, Plan-Holders who do not engage in any way with their host resort for substantial periods cannot be regarded as being in Good Standing.
To be in Good Standing at your Vacation Club means that your ownership has consistently brought clear value to your host resort in the following ways:

  • It is expected that you will engage regularly and make active use of your membership, returning at least once in any three year period falling within the period of your Lloydshare Plan, or engaging alternatively by utilizing an exchange program during any three year period, or perhaps by arranging for friends or relatives to utilize your own benefits, thereby providing some attendance at your host resort.
  • It is expected that you will attend promptly to any fees and charges without allowing them to become overdue and thereby obliging the resort to chase-up your payments.
  • It is expected that you will adhere to all the resort’s rules and regulations, which exist primarily to enable a great experience for fellow members, and further provide for good and cordial relations on all sides.
  • In the unfortunate event of your having cause to make a complaint against your resort, we hope that you will follow due procedure, working with the resort to seek a resolution, rather than publicizing accounts on social media before any related discussions have been completed.

This list is not exhaustive, and each membership record stands on its own merits. However, we trust this interpretation of Good Standing is deemed both fair and reasonable, given the nature of our product, and that our Plan-Holders will find it helpful when planning their vacations.

Lloydshare offers a loyalty reward and wants to reward loyal Vacation Owners!


How do I change my registered email address with Lloydshare?

If your email address registered with Lloydshare needs to be changed for any reason, you may attempt to email us from an unregistered address. We are unable to communicate with you by email until a new email address is correctly registered. To do this, please mail us a letter to confirm the new email address and include for security certified proof of identity and address.  We will email an acknowledgment to your new email address to confirm we have updated our records.

You should always explain why these changes are being made. There may be other security measures to satisfy. Once the change is registered, we will only correspond with you via the newly registered email address. Plan-Holders cannot have multiple individual email addresses registered, but more than one Plan-Holder can have the same email address registered with us.
If there is more than one Plan-Holder sharing a single email address registered with Lloydshare, it will be necessary for all the Plan-Holders to collaborate with the request to change the email address.   All Plan-Holders need to sign the letter asking for the email address to be changed, and also, they all need to provide certified copies of ID and proof of address, as a security measure.
The exception to this is in cases of relationship breakdown, when a single party sharing a joint email address may approach us asking to have a different email address for themselves moving forward.  Reasons for email address change requests should always be provided.

I noticed my Certificate back mentions ‘legal proceedings’. What exactly does ‘legal proceedings’ mean?

The definition of legal proceedings can vary according to country, [and will often vary according to the type of on-line search/search engine used].  Anything involving possible attendance at court, and giving rise to a court reference number, would certainly be included. However, to answer directly, the definition of material legal proceedings used by Lloydshare is as follows:

Legal Proceedings means any action, suit, litigation, arbitration, proceeding [including any civil, criminal, administrative, investigative or appellate proceeding], hearing, inquiry, audit, examination or investigation commenced, brought, conducted or heard by or before, or otherwise involving, any court or other Governmental Body or any arbitrator or arbitration panel.

What if a Plan-Holder dies, and there is a surviving joint Plan-Holder?

Lloydshare operates a Transfer-On-Death policy. In the event of the death of a joint Plan-Holder, all rights pass to the surviving Plan-Holder. A surviving Plan-Holder may opt to change the nominated beneficiary at any time during the lifetime of the Plan. A nominated beneficiary cannot activate beneficiary rights to a Lloydshare Plan while any Plan-Holders are still alive. When the death certificate is received by Lloydshare, we issue a confirmatory email and leaflet explaining how the change impacts the Lloydshare Plan. A surviving Plan-Holder may need to register a new email address to communicate with us.

What if joint Plan-Holders split up?

It is essential to let us know of changes that affect your lifestyle or status – please see your Certificate for relevant information. After enrollment Lloydshare Plans are not transferrable, even between joint Plan-Holders. In the event of relationship breakdown, we have informative leaflets that can be sent to you covering how things may be affected as regards your Lloydshare Plan. For example, one of the common issues is needing to change registered means of contact, which many couples share. After a break-up, it’s often necessary for individuals to have their own email address registered with Lloydshare, as previously an email address was being shared.  This is covered by a security process for your protection. Once a split has been reported, we deal with the separated Plan-Holders individually and do not treat either individual as representing the other from that point.

What if I want to upgrade my existing resort contract?

Your Lloydshare Certificate relates to the original linked membership specified on the Certificate, and to no other membership. If you are planning to upgrade that membership, you should get in touch with us to see how your Lloydshare Certificate might be affected. If Lloydshare is supporting the upgrade, there may be an additional premium payable, and upgrades can only be supported within 90 days of their start date. In short, if you are upgrading, talk to Lloydshare as soon as possible!

If I have breached the Terms & Conditions in some minor way, can I get an early indication on whether I will get my payout?

No claim is considered prior to the maturity date, and each claim is considered on its individual merits. Lloydshare does not give any undertakings on payout prior to the maturity date. Equally, any suggestion that a payout has been forfeited would naturally discourage a Plan-Holder from maintaining their outstanding membership in good standing. For this reason, it is Lloydshare policy to defer discussion of individual claims until they are registered after maturity. We remind our Plan-Holders of the need to be familiar with the Terms & Conditions printed on the reverse of their Plan Certificates. We feel these are clear, brief, and simple to understand. They can be read through in around ten minutes!

What if I forget to claim on my Lloydshare Plan in good time?

Your claim must be registered within the claim period specified on your personal Certificate – this will be a set, but substantial, period following the Maturity Date. Instructions for how to register your claim are written on the reverse of your Certificate. Claims will not be accepted after that period, as the Claims Process falls within a deadline. The reason for this is that a significant passage of time after a Plan has matured is likely to jeopardize our ability to conduct any necessary Validation Checks with due thoroughness. Also, the passage of time may make it increasingly challenging for Plan-Holders to source any necessary documents needed. Most Lloydshare Plans run alongside the complete period of the associated Vacation Ownership and, at the claim stage, many Plan-Holders may no longer be members at the partner resort. The viability of our continually paying valid claims relies on our streamlined working practices, strict adherence to policy, and a degree of cooperative input from our Plan-Holders. In return, Lloydshare is providing a very generous payout to every eligible claimant and we need to plan for upcoming payouts, year by year. Backdated claims cannot be entertained, and once the very substantial claim period has elapsed your Certificate will have no value. We therefore recommend that our Plan-Holders should focus on the Claims Process in detail as the maturity date approaches.

What if my resort ceases to function?

Please be reassured that this is an extremely rare occurrence! However, in uncertain financial times, some Plan-Holders are concerned for the implications in this situation, and any query should begin with a check of the Terms & Conditions listed on the reverse of your Certificate, as well as a check of your resort contract paperwork.

Where questions are not answered clearly in those documents you should get in touch with us as soon as you hear that your resort is likely to be closing down.   In these difficult circumstances, a resort may be particularly dependent on continuing member loyalty and there are a few issues and possibilities to be considered by Lloydshare before we can determine an appropriate way forward for our Plan-Holders.

  • Is the closure temporary or permanent?
  • Will the business arrange alternative facilities for its members at another location?
  • Has the resort offered any type of settlement on your outstanding membership term, or made any offer in which continued membership of some type was available to you?
  • Is the business being bought out, along with its membership, and will it simply re-open under another name with your membership intact?

Lloydshare supports, where possible and appropriate, any actions that effectively keep a linked membership going, but it is important for affected Plan-Holders to inform us promptly of these sorts of problems, particularly before coming to any settlement with the host resort.


September 2024 – A Whole New Website! So, What’s New?

We hope you are enjoying our re-organized website! Thanks to our new web-master, a lot of thought has gone into making the wide range of information that we have here to offer you more easily accessible, with clearer, more apposite headings.
One new feature in particular, however, is our inclusion in the public area of some testimonials from Plan-Holders who have reaped the Lloydshare reward and received their payout. It has long been requested both by Plan-Holders and partner resorts that some confirmation of payouts should appear on our website, and in revamping the contents we have recently decided to bow to the pressure. “What has been the hold-up?” you may ask.
While Lloydshare has been making payouts since 2015, it is an understandable fact that, having received a substantial sum of money, most individuals do not particularly want to share or advertise their gains. Their reasons can be varied, and Lloydshare has certainly invited all paid claimants to publicize their success. But, in the final analysis, such tributes must be free-will gestures and it is not something Lloydshare has been able to compel. Nor would it be ethical for Lloydshare to pay Plan-Holders to provide testimonials, and it may be admitted that most claimants appear happy to take the money and move on. Lloydshare understands that there can be many factors affecting such a decision and, as confirmed on this website, it is Lloydshare policy not to share information about payouts with any party unless compelled for legal reasons. Happily, however, we do have a proportion of claimants who have been willing to share their kind appreciation of Lloydshare and, for the first time, a selection of these is available on the public area of this website. Enjoy!

September 2024 – Certified ID Requirement – Lloydshare has listened.

Based on Plan-Holder queries and feedback, we confirm that an internal review has taken place concerning the requirement, stated in some versions of the Terms & Conditions, that the registration of payout claims be accompanied by copy ID that is ‘certified/notarized’. It is understood that obtaining a certification or notarization often comes at a significant cost.
From our review of claims dealt with since 2015, we are satisfied that this requirement has no benefit in the majority of cases, and the requirement is being withdrawn for Plan-Holders who are mailing us to register a claim on maturity of their Lloydshare Certificate. Nonetheless, while the requirement is being withdrawn for general claims, Lloydshare reserves the right to require certification/notarization when justified by specific individual circumstances.
It should be noted, however, that the requirement continues in other circumstances, for example when an email address is to be changed, or when an ‘Authority to Act’ is submitted. The requirement is in place for our Plan-Holders’ greater security.

May 2023 – The World Health Organization says Covid-19 is over!! Lloydshare Consulting looks at how the vacation industry is shaping up.

Lloydshare Consulting reports that the travel industry still has a significant upside relative to the broader economic recovery that has so far taken place. This is because travel has only recently begun to recover to pre-pandemic levels compared with wider recovery, so there is still plenty of significant ‘catch up’ room!

Most encouragingly, China has now been released to the tourism field once more, and China represented the largest exporter of tourism in 2019, before the pandemic hit. This is great news for resorts, and good news for resorts is good news for all timeshare owners who have been, during the pandemic, so fearful about resort closures. So large a percentage of the tourist pie is bound to affect the future for Vacation Resort planning. Pandemics may come and go, but the element of competition is always there when it comes to attracting consumers!
Competition in the vacation industry today has come in the form of Air B&Bs, and these quick and easy rentals are increasingly available as people utilize personal real estate assets to make money. We are seeing more resorts looking to provide equivalent short term rental options as the industry recovers.

An undoubted downside has been the labor reductions – those workers who left the travel industry – and companies that failed, plus consumers who have become used to ‘staycations’ and are preferring presently to opt out of travel altogether. However, at the same time, what is being seen is a new type of tourist, one that is interested in customized travel products and looks for a whole new inspiration from a vacation experience.

Lloydshare Consulting is also reporting a markedly increased interest on the part of vacationers in making ethical choices, influenced by personal values, but the key message right now is that travel itself is returning with a red-hot level of demand. And that demand is being reflected in a regrettable decrease in flight bargains, even with bookings being made well in advance.

A challenge for Vacation Resorts is the new ‘Anywhere Traveler’ who has an almost specialist desire to vacation in little known locations. How the industry can rise to that preference is yet to be seen!

However, an easier target to hit may relate to the industry’s new buzzword ‘Blended Travel’, which represents the desire many people have to blend vacationing with work, and is now believed to be something being actively requested by 2 out of 5 workers. Working from home became so familiar to us during the pandemic, why not work from your home resort too?

The concept of whole new approaches to vacationing flexibility has taken hold for many of us, and you can be sure that Lloydshare will continue to have its sights focused on the industry’s future!

November 2022 – Keep it Confidential

Clarification of our Terms & Conditions: Following a recent exchange with one of our valued Plan-Holders, we would like to provide some reassurance over the stipulation to make reports of hospitalizations/rehabilitations that are included within some versions of the Terms & Conditions.  Lloydshare does not require Plan-Holders to include details of diagnoses or related health conditions when making such reports.  Lloydshare respects Plan-Holder confidentiality, and only asks that Plan-Holders report incidents of in-patient attendance.  The reason for attendance is understood to be confidential and there is no requirement to disclose anything within the stipulated deadline beyond having been an in-patient.  While Lloydshare may follow up on such reports with inquiries related to whether or not Plan-Holders foresee an impact on the use of their Vacation Ownership, these inquiries do not require disclosure of personal medical history, and any information on medical history supplied to us will be regarded as having been submitted voluntarily, and not denoting any authority to share the information outside of Lloydshare.

November 2021 – Lloydshare Urges Patience

At informal meetings and mini conferences across the industry Lloydshare Consulting is aware of much discussion of members cutting short their memberships in the belief that the tourist industry is not going to recover for many years.   Lloydshare’s Customer Service Team has confirmed that many of our Plan-Holders have expressed similar concerns, but happily these are exactly the circumstances in which the value of the Lloydshare Product most clearly shows itself.  Lloydshare urges patience at this testing time, and reminds Plan-Holders that remaining loyal to the host resort is a key requirement to secure the payout on your Lloydshare Plan.

September 2021 – Terms & Conditions

Certificates issued with 9 Series T&Cs [2021/22], Condition 9.2.4  [pertaining to currency devaluation] has been withdrawn and shall not apply.
No further action is needed by our Plan-Holders with regard to that condition.  If desired, confirmation of the withdrawal for individual cases will be supplied on request.

January 2021 – Resort Closures

Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 crisis, some Vacation Ownership resorts have been threatened with closure. As a result of this, many Lloydshare Plan-Holders are concerned about their Lloydshare Plan. If the resort were to close before their Lloydshare plan matures where does that leave the Plan-Holder? The Lloydshare Loyalty Repayment Plan has no early surrender value, and our Terms & Conditions continue to apply until the maturity date. Often, there are solutions available with regards to your home resort. However, we fully appreciate our Plan-Holders’ concerns at this extremely challenging time.
Please see our FAQ section for more information on what Lloydshare takes into consideration in these unfortunate circumstances. The important thing our Plan-Holders should remember is to keep us informed and retain all correspondence with the resort about the closure and any options that the resort offers.

December 2020- Happy Holidays

Sadly, the threat of COVID-19 has not yet receded, with many partner resorts reporting an on-going impact. Never has customer loyalty had more meaning for the tourist and hospitality industries. So many small and knife-edge businesses throughout the world are being affected by the present restrictions and diminished travel. Lloydshare is proud of the contribution it is making to a sustainable Vacation Industry. While we can make no predictions in the current climate, we nonetheless hope that, over the full duration of our Plan-Holder’s Vacation Ownerships, the present challenges will prove to represent a small cloud on an otherwise clear horizon. In these trying circumstances, Lloydshare takes this opportunity to wish all our Plan-Holders and Partner Resorts the best possible holiday season!

May 2020 – An Appeal for Patience

Not long ago, Lloydshare introduced CCR Numbers, acknowledging Plan-Holders’ reports of changes of various types of personal circumstances with a specific reference number.  With the onset of lockdowns, however, a vast number of us are affected, and a correspondingly high proportion of our Plan-Holders have personal changes to report, with many businesses being brought to a halt, and some people effectively being laid off work with both income and travel affected.   Many individuals are having to work from home.   The Change of Circumstances Reports from our Plan-Holders have been arriving at a great rate and, at a time when members of our Customer Service Team are not able to work in the usual way, there is presently a backlog of reports to be acknowledged.   We apologize for this and, if you personally are waiting for a response, we ask for your patience and understanding while each report is duly considered.  The reports will be addressed strictly in date order.   As a reassurance, please bear in mind that as Lloydshare only accepts update reports by registered email, this does provide an audit trail until such time as a CCR Number is provided to you.

We at Lloydshare fully understand the concerns felt by our Plan-Holders about Covid-19 , and would always urge a cautious approach and complete adherence to official national-level advice, not least because travelling contrary to official advice may affect the validity of your travel insurance.  Nonetheless, scares of this kind can have a substantially detrimental effect on the Vacation Industry, sometimes coming at the cost of jobs and livelihoods, and even affecting future route planning for airlines.   Factors like this can lead to a resort closure, leaving club members at a complete loss.   A key feature of the Loyalty Reward program has always been to encourage club members to stick with their resorts and support them through any hard times that arise.   Therefore, Lloydshare says please travel back to your club as soon as it is safe to do so, and show the support that is so badly needed at times like these.  Our Partner Resorts will be waiting to welcome you back with open arms!

April 2020 – COVID-19 News and Updates for Plan Holders

We have all found our lives and plans altered over the past few weeks due to the evolving crisis the COVID-19 pandemic has created. We have watched as the world goes through this pandemic country by country, and we are all dealing with daily uncertainties and concerns. These are difficult times in general and we wanted to take a moment and comment.

In Mexico and around the world, most resorts/hotels have suspended operations for the month of April. Many resorts in Latin America have also closed sales and reservation offices. The decision to close resorts was made to “flatten the curve”, protect resort guests and employees, and minimize the spread of the virus in the hope of reopening faster. Most resorts have taken measures to protect employees and provide salaries throughout the pandemic. These will ensure that your home resorts stay well maintained and in pristine condition for the eventual return of Members/Owners and guests.

Our business at Lloydshare is built on strong foundations. For the past 20 years we have been serving sales centers, resorts and our Plan-Holders alike, providing quality service to all. Your Lloydshare Plan is secure, and when the time to utilize your benefit comes, we will be here to assist you! While our offices are closed, our entire staff is working remotely to provide service and answer all questions and concerns that arise. We know that now is not a time for travel. But we also know that your home resorts will look to welcome you back with open arms when these days are behind us.

Until then, from our family to yours, stay safe, stay healthy and we wish you well!

February 2020 – Introducing CCR Numbers!

The following change relates to Lloydshare’s response to Plan-Holder reporting, and has not affected the Terms & Conditions of any Lloydshare Product.
As our Plan-Holders will be aware from their personal Plan Certificates, and the details provided on this website, the Terms & Conditions of all our products require the timely reporting of specific life changing events that could potentially affect your use of the associated Vacation Club Membership, or other changes, such as contact details. The reporting of these things must, for audit reasons, always be done in writing from your personal email address registered with Lloydshare, and your report should always be acknowledged in writing by the Lloydshare Customer Service Team [please note that our Service Delivery Standard for answering emails is 2 working days]. Telephone reporting has never been accepted, and please see our Frequently Asked Questions section for confirmation of the process to follow if you wish to change your email address registered with Lloydshare.

The above process does provide a robust, mutually accessible audit trail demonstrating the date on which a change has been reported. We at Lloydshare do appreciate that email accounts do change and that, if a Plan-Holder needed to verify making the report at some future stage, it could prove inconvenient or tiresome to locate an email exchange from many years previously. Emails themselves may not be an entirely failsafe proof of exchange due to increasingly sophisticated styles of fraud which may be developed in the future.

To strengthen our security processes, therefore, Lloydshare has introduced a new practice with effect from February 1st, 2020, of returning a Change of Circumstances Report [CCR] Reference Number for each change you notify. There are certain circumstances in which these numbers may not be issued when you first email us, for example if the information you have provided is incomplete and gives rise to further queries from our Customer Service Team. However, for each change of circumstances you report after February 1st, 2020, you can expect to receive a CCR number as your personalized acknowledgment, and if you report a change without getting a CCR Number in return from our Customer Service Team, you should certainly get in touch. It is the acknowledgement from the Lloydshare Customer Service Team which confirms a verified report in all cases

The practical application of this policy change [i.e. the provision of CCR numbers in individual cases] will obviously demonstrate and highlight the process for Plan-Holders making reports to Lloydshare, but this update is provided to explain the reason for the change. The enhanced security measure helps us to verify Plan-Holder reports in cases where this becomes necessary, and hopefully it provides our Plan-Holders with greater reassurance. The issue of a CCR number is not a confirmation regarding the timeliness of a report, but an acknowledgement that a report has been made. If you report more than one change of circumstances in the same email, you may request more than one CCR Number in acknowledgment.

December 2019 – Listen out for that call!

Happy Holidays!
In the coming weeks, Lloydshare plans to celebrate the high season with marketing events at selected partner resorts, and at resorts we are targeting to become Lloydshare partners in the future. Please be assured these will not be forums for high pressure sales! What we are hoping for are some friendly gatherings so that Lloydshare plan-holders have an opportunity to meet each other and to meet local Lloydshare representatives, together with a range of senior resort sales personnel. It will enable views and experiences to be exchanged. The theme of the gatherings will be ‘The importance of Member Loyalty’, and the objective is to help industry insiders truly understand what has inspired yourselves, as valued club members, to stay loyal to your host resort. It will be an opportunity to have your say, and help guide some ‘movers and shakers’ within the Timeshare Industry.
In order to attend, you would need to be someone returning to the right resort at the right time. While formal invitations will be issued direct to your email address registered with Lloydshare, we are particularly keen to attract attendees in locations where partnership with Lloydshare requires fresh promotion: These include Los Cabos & Cabos St Lucas, Baja California. Our mission to identify suitable Lloydshare Plan-holders in these locations will start with a telephone call, and may offer a cash incentive. If you own a timeshare in these locations and are planning to make a return visit within the next ten weeks, we encourage you to write to the Lloydshare Customer Service Team so that your name can be added to the list. If you are invited to attend a resort at which you are not a member, transport and access to the Lloydshare Gathering will be provided.
We will be delighted to offer those attending a taste of Lloydshare hospitality!

May 2018 – Time for a party!

Following a high profile Timeshare Industry Convention in Las Vegas, which Lloydshare attended, the company was delighted to host a closing celebration for a range of key industry partners at the Historic Liberace Mansion.
The high end invitation-only event was geared particularly to welcome senior representatives from Lloydshare’s Platinum Partner resorts. The distinguished guest list included travellers from South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Bringing key partners together is an important strategic objective for Lloydshare because, as in any long-term relationship, talking, listening and exchanging experiences is invaluable. Much of our future business planning is influenced by what our partners are seeing and planning. Additionally, any networking opportunities within the Vacation Industry can help keep our consulting interests sharpened.

While so often we concentrate appreciation on our valued Plan-holders, it’s still only right that we pay tribute to the vital role played in our business plan by the Vacation Clubs who provided that initial introduction and thereby brought our Plan-holders together with Lloydshare!

March 2017 – Lloydshare Attends International Timeshare Convention

Timeshare conventions are tremendously important to the vacation industry as they bring together a multitude of incredibly experienced developers, marketing professionals and product manufacturers from around the world. The forums held at these conventions offer a wealth of information about the growth of the timeshare industry and trends within the vacation industry as a whole. It is a place where best practices are discussed, industry news is shared and where new products geared towards the vacation industry are introduced. At a recent convention, we at Lloydshare had a great time connecting with our partners and enjoyed the company of new and old friends. These get-togethers are vital for networking, hearing ideas and considering ways that our products and services might be improved for the future. This is how Lloydshare learns and grows. We’ve got our finger on the industry pulse and are always looking to expand the Lloydshare family!

Jan 2016 – Confirming the Success of the Lloydshare model!

We are very pleased to announce that the success of our product in increasing sales and promoting lasting loyalty has not only been recognized by new partner resorts, but has resulted in the re-introduction of an approach that was first trialed over ten years ago.  As purveyors of a Reward Program, Lloydshare faced an understandable and very natural credibility problem in its early days, with some Plan-Holders, and even partner resorts, questioning whether we would remain for the long term.  However, time has passed with no lapses in our business, and with successful claimants now receiving payouts, longevity is proving our credibility!

Many resorts are increasingly seeing the value we provide, and selected resorts have now taken forward a process of gifting our product to their members with automatic approval for enrollment. These forward-looking resorts know they can effectively reap a loyalty reward themselves.  Thanks to the Lloydshare incentive, these resorts are assured of a reliable return of members, and can invest and plan with greater confidence once they know their members are Lloydshare Plan-Holders.

Lloydshare must emphasize, however, that no partner resort sells, or is authorized to sell, any Lloydshare product.  Lloydshare Plan-Holders have either purchased direct from us, or have been gifted by their resort the entitlement to enroll with us cost free, and subject to our enrollment Terms & Conditions.  Notwithstanding, Lloydshare is delighted at this mark of confidence from key industry partners willing to fund the supply of our product in linkage with their own Vacation Ownership packages.

Lloydshare’s long experience and increasing expertise across the Vacation Ownership Industry is enabling our market research and consultancy ambitions finally to materialize.

Lloydshare would like to thank all Plan-Holders who have assisted with our feedback requests, completed our surveys, and provided comments explaining their Change of Circumstances reports.   It has all helped us develop a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviors and how behaviors can be incentivized and rewarded – which is, after all, what the Lloydshare product is all about!

November 2015 – Announcing a new division – Lloydshare Consulting

An often-asked question is why Lloydshare Terms & Conditions have always required clients to report changes of various types of personal circumstances. What bearing does this have, people wonder. The answer is to satisfy Lloydshare’s long-term marketing interests.
From its very inception, Lloydshare sought to promote its knowledge and understanding of the Vacation Ownership Industry, and there’s no doubt that both knowledge and understanding are valuable commodities, particularly when specialized within such a competitive market. From Day One, Lloydshare foresaw that gaining a close understanding of what motivates a Vacation Owner, not only at the purchase stage, but throughout the membership lifetime, would have great value and confer on Lloydshare the right to speak with authority across the industry. It would also validate our claim of industry expertise, and support our ambitions to guide individual resorts, and potentially the wider industry, towards a greater success that genuinely addresses all the needs and concerns of the customer.
Increasingly, with the all-enveloping internet, people understand that not only does their personal data have value, but their basic preferences, priorities and interests are features of a kind of ‘customer profile’ which advertisers and marketeers put to a multitude of uses. In Lloydshare’s case, what preoccupies us is the question of what best keeps a Vacation Club member returning year after year to that same club. What really inspires loyalty? More importantly, what are the factors that cause members to discard a club membership? Furthermore, what can be done to affect members’ choices?
Having a combined industry experience of 50 years was a good start for the Lloydshare Founders but a further 15 years’ solid experience offering a Loyalty Reward Program, with continual engagement with seasoned Timeshare Owners, has enabled Lloydshare to build up a genuine level of expertise. Our clients have spoken, with feedback and surveys, and Lloydshare has listened. And, in the same year that Lloydshare has made its first reward payout, we are preparing to share the industry expertise that has been so greatly enhanced by a continual dialogue with our clients.
All Lloydshare clients, past and present, may be reassured that data protection is a top priority, and there is no question of individual marketing information being shared. We have not been considering individuals or exceptions, but trends. It is patterns across groups of Vacation Owners that interest us, because it is those same patterns that may interest resorts and developers when designing and planning for the future. On an individual level we understand resort membership sales, because every Lloydshare client has been a new Club Member. And with 50 years’ combined industry experience before Lloydshare began, we are in a position to understand the resort challenges at every level.
Accordingly, Lloydshare is delighted to announce the opening of a division that specifically draws on this vast wealth of experience and knowledge – Lloydshare Consulting. This division will chiefly be an industry-facing resource, with its own website geared towards industry insiders. However, our clients will be interested to understand the way Lloydshare presently continues to diversify and grow, because it is such growth and development that will keep our payouts sustainable. As many of us know, Consultancy is a highly lucrative field into which Lloydshare will enter with gusto! And finally, the long-term purpose of some of the requirements attached to the Lloydshare reward products can be properly understood.

September 2015 –Lloydshare Claims Come of Age!

Lloydshare Limited Incorporated is delighted to announce a piece of Lloydshare History!   Our first matured Certificate, originally issued by Lloydshare Limited in 2005 under a 10-year Plan, has now resulted in a successful claim and full payout.  While tied originally to the purchase of an annuity product, this requirement was waived in 2010 and a single lump sum has been paid with no restriction on how it may be spent.  Lloydshare reminds all claimants that any tax obligations arising from payouts must be resolved by them.  Lloydshare premiums are fees paid to Lloydshare for enrollment purposes and do not represent individual investments.  Lloydshare has always invested its own money and no funds are held, or ever have been held, in individual client names.  Lloydshare payouts are paid as a reward for loyalty, subject to Terms & Conditions, and do not in themselves represent any growth on individual investments, as Lloydshare does not invest on any client’s behalf.

July 2014 – Designation Update

The Lloydshare Loyalty Repayment Plan was previously marketed and sold as ‘The Lloydshare Deferred Annuity,” and Certificates quoting this product title are still valid.

An annuity is a form of investment entitling the investor to a series of annual sums. ‘Deferred Annuity’ is an annuity in which the annual payments commence only after a lapse of some specified time after the final purchase premium has been paid. For business reasons and due to favorable terms originally anticipated, Lloydshare Limited originally proposed to invest all final payouts, when policies matured, in the purchase of an annuity for each eligible claimant. The lapse of time between the payment of the premium and the maturity date on each Certificate was the reason the product was titled “The Lloydshare Deferred Annuity”. This title was descriptive, rather than definitive. The product itself was not an “annuity”. The proposed value of annual payments was never projected to any client by Lloydshare. The only reference was to a single one-time lump sum, which is clearly not an annuity payment.

Lloydshare retained the right to vary its investment practices at any time in order to achieve the growth necessary to achieve final payments. Our payout sums were originally intended to support the purchase of an annuity after the maturity date, according to the market options of the day. However, many of our original clients expressed the desire to have cash rather than an annuity provided by Lloydshare. Alternatively, they preferred the option of sourcing their own annuity on the open market based on independent financial advice. As a result of this, focus was increasingly placed, in all our marketing, on a one-time sum being paid to eligible claimants on maturity, to dispose of as they chose. There has ceased to be any tie-in applied by Lloydshare requiring the Lloydshare payout to be spent on an annuity.

With effect from July 1, 2014, the “Lloydshare Deferred Annuity” is being formally retitled the “Lloydshare Loyalty Repayment Plan”, and will be offered for sale under the redesignated title at partner resorts on a phased basis. It is considered that the new title better reflects the spirit and intention of the Lloydshare product, which is a loyalty reward product.

No requirements of the product were reliant on the previous titling, and consequently, no Terms & Conditions applicable to the product or affecting our clients have changed as a result of the redesignation. Strict adherence to our Terms & Conditions has always been the key to a successful claim. Claims made against the previous product title of Lloydshare Deferred Annuity will still be honored by Lloydshare.

Due to large stocks of the old-styled Certificates, please be aware that the old titling may still appear on the Certificates issued for some time into the future– an explanatory leaflet will accompany outdated styled certificates to explain the retitling.

Our clients preferring to move forward with an originally foreseen annuity may, of course, decide to purchase an annuity on the open market with their payout cash. This option provides an outcome commensurate with any of our previously issued marketing material, making reference to annuities. However, we would always suggest any such purchase is based on independent financial advice.

February 2013 – Have your say!

A regular query we receive, not only from clients but from our Partner Resorts concerns social media. We are asked whether Lloydshare has, or perhaps should have, a presence on internet platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, or indeed relevant consumer group forums. Certainly the ‘techies’ within the Lloydshare Team have spoken in favor of the idea, being keen users themselves, on a personal basis, of many online platforms. They can see the benefits, and they are keen to stretch Lloydshare’s wings now that everyone is using the internet all the time. Balanced against this, however, is the fact that we have this website, which we certainly encourage our clients to visit. It is this website that truly speaks for Lloydshare at this time, whereas some less keen on a wider social presence say that having profiles on other platforms can actually distract readers from the main website, as well as having potential to become outdated very soon if neglected. Once established, online profiles may become hard to manage, being subject both to site rules and also to comments and complaints, sometime malicious, from competitors. We have concerns that maintaining such social media presences could prove more resource intensive than is justified by any possible benefit to our business. What can a social media presence provide that our own website cannot provide? That is the key question which we feel should be directing us, and we welcome any comments and feedback our clients who wish to contribute by way of an answer. Simply email us at our Customer Services address, and we will be pleased to consider anything you wish to suggest. If we do not take up suggestions at this time, it may be in connection to the expansion and diversification that Lloydshare hopes to be announcing within the next couple of years…. Watch this space!

February 2012 – Lloydshare Wins at Industry Conference!

Lloydshare is delighted to announce a prestigious level of recognition for its partnership work with top resorts – an award for ‘Best Developer Partner’ at the GNEX convention in Cancun this year!  One senior resort manager commented “We wanted to offer a product that enhances the purchase of our club membership.  Our purchasers are well educated and well-travelled.  For them the Lloydshare annuity is an appealing benefit!”   Lloydshare’s presence at such forums adds to our extensive industry experience, and enables us to market our product to a wide range of potential partners.  This is how Lloydshare learns and grows – and more and more people in the industry can see it!

November 2011 – Exciting News

An exciting Lloydshare development may be about to materialize, and we invite our interested clients to watch this space!   As can be seen from the Terms & Conditions shown on the reverse of Certificates, Lloydshare has always retained the option of diversifying the investments that are made to secure the necessary returns to fund eligible payouts.   One of the investments that can be utilized by Lloydshare is real estate, and we are excited to announce that plans are underway for the creation of a “Lloydshare Centre” at a location that may be close to your own host resort, with the potential for you to visit our team right here at Lloydshare!   At present the location has not been finalized, but the uses of a Lloydshare Centre are potentially huge, with capacity for large scale Vacation Industry conventions.   There are many such conventions which occur over the year in a range of prestigious locations, and this exciting project has the capacity to provide an important additional income stream for Lloydshare.  We are delighted to anticipate visits from our valued clients to the forthcoming Lloydshare Centre.

April 2010 – Removal of the Annuity Purchase requirement

Lloydshare Limited’s original marketing material, as well as many of our early contracts, committed clients to the purchase, with their lump sum, of an annuity product sourced by Lloydshare Limited.   Lloydshare Limited Incorporated does not support this requirement being placed on clients regarding the disposal of their lump sum payout.   Lloydshare Limited Incorporated does not offer a financial product and will not source financial products on a client’s behalf, either as a business transaction or by way of a service.   Lloydshare Limited Incorporated is not affiliated to any financial institution.  As is emphasized in marketing material, we are not in any way associated with Lloyds of London or any institution bearing a similar sounding name.   This undertaking being offered in advance of the maturity date of any of our loyalty products, Lloydshare Limited Incorporated confirms that the lump sum payable [subject to Terms & Conditions] is not required to be spent on the purchase of any annuity product, and that the sum payable will be issued to successful claimants without financial restrictions of any kind.  It is emphasized that all questions of taxation payable on receipt of such lump sums fall to clients to resolve with the respective authorities in their country of domicile.

December 2009 – The Strain of Flu Strains

Talk of Avian Flu and Swine Flu has certainly dampened vacationing this season, with localized closures and restrictions brought in that affect a range of partner resorts in more than one country.   We at Lloydshare fully understand the concerns felt by our clients, and would always urge a cautious approach and complete adherence to official national-level advice, not least because travelling contrary to official advice may affect the validity of your travel insurance.  Nonetheless, scares of this kind can have a substantially detrimental effect on the Vacation Industry, sometimes coming at the cost of jobs and livelihoods, and even affecting future route planning for airlines.   Sometimes weather events, or economic downturns can lead to a resort closure, leaving club members bereft and disappointed.   A key feature of the Deferred Annuity loyalty reward program has always been to encourage club members to stick with their resorts, and support them through any hard times that arise.   Therefore, Lloydshare says please travel back to your club as soon as it is safe to do so, and show the support that is so badly needed at times like these.  Our Partner Resorts will be waiting to welcome you back with open arms!

November 2009 – Staff Changes

Staff changes at Lloydshare – Our valued contacts at partner resorts will be conscious of the recent departure of two of our International Sales Directors.  Please be assured that replacements are presently in training, and that normal services will be restored very soon.  We intend to liaise directly with resorts for the purposes of introduction to our new representatives, but in the meantime all inquiries for sales material and back-up may be directed to our Customer Service Team, using the contact details available on this website.

February 2009  – Statement of Purpose and Intent – Rentals and Resales

Previous references to a possible formal partnership between Lloydshare Limited Incorporated and any Rental and Resale Company may be disregarded.  Lloydshare’s Board of Directors are NOT proceeding with discussions further and it is not proposed to re-open discussions.  Clients will be aware that Lloydshare Limited Incorporated has at no time recommended to any of our clients the patronage of any named Rental and Resale Company, and has no plans presently to enter into partnerships, or offer a recommendation service, in the future.   The Lloydshare Terms & Conditions do not commit Lloydshare to offering such advice to clients, and instead we recommend that they make use of the various on-line facilities available to assist them in sourcing rental services.

It should be clearly understood that, while it is possible to remain in good standing with a host resort and also to rent out weeks, it is not possible to remain in good standing if a resale takes place.  For a member to sell their Vacation Ownership is a form of disposal that our loyalty product does not support.  We strongly recommend discussions with our Customer Service Team in the event that clients are contemplating a resale option.

Renting out weeks may be permissible if clients remain in ownership and are adhering at all times with their host Vacation Club’s rules.

May 2008 – Survey Reminder

Our May 2008 Newsletter [available via the Home tab] commences what we plan to be a regular feature – focus on one of our Partner Resorts for an in-depth review of the benefits that Lloydshare clients are enjoying!   The partner resort in focus this issue, Krystal International Vacation Club, was Lloydshare’s first ever partner resort, and we are delighted to be promoting this highly rated club’s facilities.

Clients are reminded of the recent send-out of our Spring Survey, emailed to selected clients around the start of March.  The vast majority of these have been returned, but there are still some we have not received back.  Lloydshare takes all client feedback seriously, and it helps us to represent vacationers during our regular discussions with partner resorts.   Help Lloydshare to help you!   Make your voice heard!   Return the survey today, and please check your spam folders in case it was misdirected.

December 2007 – Rental Partnership

Lloydshare is excited to announce that discussions are taking place to formalize partnership arrangements with a new and dynamic rental company, whose services may be of interest to those of our clients whose Club Memberships afford the option to rent out weeks and thereby secure additional income!   Further information may be expected in our Spring 2008 Newsletter, and at this time selected clients will be invited to complete a survey covering a wide range of subjects arising from their experience as valued Vacation Club Owners.   Lloydshare greatly values client feedback and insights, and prompt return of the survey is likely to be incentivized with a reward for the first completed surveys returned! Please watch out for the Spring 2008 Lloydshare Newsletter and the accompanying survey!  For now, the team at Lloydshare is pleased to send you our very best greetings of the season!

April 2007  – Lloydshare Loyalty Reward Vouchers – reminder

Voucher holders are kindly reminded of the need to maintain annual registrations with Lloydshare Ltd Incorporated, and of the new contact details provided on this website.   Any vouchers issued by the dormant company Lloydshare Limited are still valid provided the Terms & Conditions are adhered to, with particular regard to annual registration and the prompt completion and return of surveys.

March 2006

In confirmation of our recent newsletter, Lloydshare Limited Incorporated is pleased to confirm its takeover from Lloydshare Limited of all past and ongoing Lloydshare Limited business.  All Lloydshare Limited clients have been transferred over to Lloydshare Limited Incorporated which shall henceforward deal with them in the spirit of the original contracts issued by Lloydshare Limited.  All Certificates issued previously by Lloydshare Limited will be honored subject to verification and to the Terms & Conditions appearing on the reverse. No Terms & Conditions change as a result of the transfer to Lloydshare Limited Incorporated.  Any future changes to the Terms & Conditions appearing on the reverse of the original Certificates will be notified to clients at their registered email address, and would have no force until such notification was provided.